Project Management Courses - Minneapolis-St. Paul - Education, training, lessons, Minneapolis-St. Paul - 1594878


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Project Management Courses - Education, training, lessons

Ref. number: 1594878 Updated: 25-11-2013 05:28

Offering: Education, training, lessons in United States, Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul

Watermark Learning offers energizing, dynamic classroom experience that goes beyond training. Students leave classrooms with practical and scalable tools their projects demand. The key principles of project management courses include developing skills to become project managers, understanding the importance of project alignment and how it can be attained, ways to create project plans, understanding the support, understanding and input of the stakeholders, how controlling changes can be beneficial and how it can be managed. So, if you are looking for a project management course online, look no further, as we shall offer you a comprehensive and affordable course online. For further details about the courses, you may also visit

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First name: Richard
Last name: Larson
Phone number: (952) 921-0900
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